The possibilities with AR Explorer

Versatile solutions from AR-Explorer

AR projects implemented comprehensively and competently.

With AR-Explorer, the complete Spatial Experience Platform, fascinating and beneficial experiences can be realized for your customers when mobile context plays a role, such as

  • Prevent and document construction defects
  • Explore museums, be guided through tours and discover added values
  • Plan technical operations in the building, be directed exactly to the defective place
  • Making things visible that are hidden in the floor, walls, etc.
  • Visualize trade fair stands and implement visual navigation, etc.

Tell us your idea or challenge to offer your customers a digital experience in a mobile context - with AR-Explorer it can be implemented in a structured and competent way!

Ansicht des kalten Nahwärmenetzes unter der Oberfläche


AR Visualization of a passive cold local heating network. This is how things under the earth become tangible and understandable

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What can AR-Explorer SXP do for you?

Tell us your challenge!