Smart Guide function
With AR Explorer, individual 3D objects can be used as navigation elements. At Fraport, it is the mascot "Fluggi" that shows visitors the way as a virtual tour guide. Simply follow Fluggi and you've landed at the next POI.

3D model as a guide
In the visitor center, the exhibition area is smartly expanded via the visitor's own smartphone and information is played out according to location. "Fluggi" guides visitors from station to station and always points them in the right direction.
Smart location reference
Neben der visuellen AR-Navigation über die Kamera des Smartphones ist auch die Positionierung auf einer 2D Karte in Innenräumen möglich. Ein Algorithmus berechnet den „BlueDot“ auf dem Ausstellungsplan, indem er Bluetooth Beacons, Schrittsensor, Luftdruck und Kompass des Smartphones nutzt.